Tuesday, 21 October 2008

A picture of Boo

Ok, it's only 1 little picture but it shows you why we fell in love with Boo. We have had a busy day today with loads and loads of visitors, not sure whether they have come to see me or Boo but as long as we are all kept busy we seem to be coping a little. Nights and mornings are the worst but spraying Stewart's aftershave onto a pillow for me to cuddle seems to help (and Gemma has one too!). Jamie is a bit brighter as his girlfriend is up from Scotland for a couple of days and Alex is just Alex, wonderful. Gemma has gone to Manchester to stay with her friend so tomorrow morning there will be just me in the house (with Boo of course) for the first time which should be interesting!! Will update more later.


Hello, I'm Vicki said...

aww bless you, that puppy is a wee cutie!!! i am amazed by your strength and just wanted to come on here and say that.

take care and stay strong
vicki x

Mrs Hedgehog said...

Aww bless. You have my number if you need someone to talk to Lx

Ginny said...

he is gorgeous...

I only just found the thrread prayer this morning and then your blog...words cannot express what I want to say so i will just send you a heartfelt hug (for all it worth)

my thoughts are with you and your wonderful family

Anonymous said...

Sus he is gorgeous, what a ickle sweetie, shame he and Maddie aren't nearer as they would enjoy playing together and we could laugh watching them play. Keep your memories close xx



Tash said...

What a wonderful little bundle of fun - and I'm sure he will be a real comfort to you in times ahead. Your strength and positive outlook are just amazing (I'm sure it's hard at times) - also glad to hear the kids are getting on ok. Sending you big hugs as always

Annette said...

What a wonderful addition to your family. Stay strong - and enjoy Boo. (((hugs)))